Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Code of Conduct

I work in IT and being a senior software developer, my primary responsibility is to product quality software product that meets customer requirements as closely as possible and delivers the product in an efficient and timely fashion. So, after giving it much thought, I figured that my own code of conduct should have something to do with what I do in my day to day work life. And I will implement the same ethics in my personal life as well.

So, here is my Code of Conduct that I will live by for rest of my career and personal life.


Professionally, I will make sure I listen to my customer and understand their needs. I will be taking lots of notes during requirement and other meetings. I will not do guess work and communicate as much as needed to clarify what I need clarification on. And when I fully understand the fact I will deliver the product developed per the customer’s need.

In personal life, I can use the same code of conduct or ethics. I will not jump into conclusion on any topic without fully understanding it. That way I will be a better communicator and will have inputs on any conversation or other areas of communications which will have a greater and positive impact.

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